Manufacturing Insurance


The manufacturing industry is a high-risk environment due to its nature. You may not be able to prepare for all eventualities, but the right policy of cover can provide you with a safety net, should something happen.

We appreciate the graft and expertise you put in to producing first-class products for your customers and clients. However, even for most diligent of manufacturers, sometimes thing may go off balance, leaving you out of pocket.

An average Business Insurance policy might not make the grade, as the manufacturing industry has a unique set of elements that are constantly shifting as a result of its diverse landscape. That is where Manufacturing Insurance from Gravity Insurance Brokers can come in.

As an independent broker, we believe in being as hands-on as the manufacturing industry you work in.

Whether you supply your products direct to the consumer market or manufacture goods for your clients, we can craft an insurance solution that ticks all the boxes. We can provide a detailed review of your firm and discuss where we feel any shortfalls in your current over are, so you can be confident that we are a compatible match.

When you choose Gravity Insurance Brokers as your broker, you will be partnered with an experienced advisor, so you know you have one dedicated contact to go to should you need to update your policy or make a claim.

Get in touch with the Gravity Insurance Brokers team by calling 01274 087474 or emailing